First of All, User have to Visit the official website of the West Bengal e-District.Please follow the simple steps for the ROR application. ROR documents are very important, you need them frequently for various works. By this process Now you are logging in as a citizen.Now Please select the “Citizens” option.The General Public or Citizens of the state can log in to the Banglarbhumi website in the following way:. By this process Now you are logging in as a departmental user.Here you have to Enter your username and password.Now Please select the “Departmental Users” option.Then the Home page will appear, On That, There will be an option“Citizen Services” tab.First of All, User have to Visit the official website of Banglarbhumi.Government employees or departmental user can log in to the Banglarbhumi website in the following way:. By this process, you will be registered on this Portal.ĭepartmental Users Login Process To Banglarbhumi.Now there will be a space where you have to enter the OTP which you got on the registered mobile number.The automatic system will send an OTP to your entered mobile number.And after that, You need to enter the captcha code.After filling in the required details please Enter the password.Here now enter the required information given below in the form.On clicking, a registration form will open on the website.Here now on the home page, you will get the option of signup, you click on this option.Now the home page of the website will open.First of all, you have to go to the official website of Bangladesh.

The process of registering yourself with this portal created by the government is given below in simple steps: – There are many services available on the online land records website of West Bengal, a list of some of the following are given below: –

This official website will now bring transparency to the work related to the property.Using this official website, people will now avoid fraud in property-related works.

By WB government service, Now Khatian and plot information can obtain from the Banglarbhumi portal.