Set up: Begin by placing the scorecard in the center of the table.The player with the highest total score at the end of the game wins. The varieties include 3-of-a-kind boxes, 4-of-a-kind boxes, small and large straight, full house, Yahzee (5-of-a-kind boxes), and chance. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and attempting to make various combinations from the numbers. So, how do you play Yahtzee? Well, it’s played with five six-sided dice and a scorecard. The goal is to score as many points as possible by rolling five dice and attempting to make different varieties. If you’re curious about how to play Yahtzee, SiGMA Play Blog will provide you with all the information, so let’s dive into the topic! Overview of the Gameplay It’s one of the games that are easy to learn and fun to play.

For the Small Straight, Large Straight, and Full House categories, you would score 30, 40 and 25 points respectively.Yahtzee is a popular dice game that has been around since the 1950s. In 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind, and Chance categories you would score the total of the die faces. If the corresponding Upper section category is filled you may then put the score anywhere on the Upper Section (scoring zero). Ie if you rolled 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 and the Fours Category is not filled, you must put the score in the Fours category. If the corresponding Upper section category is not filled then you must score there. You must also put this roll into another category, as follows If you roll a second Yahtzee in a game, and you scored your first yahtzee in the Yahtzee box, you would score a further bonus 100 points in the yahtzee box.

You get full normal points for straights and full houses. If those boxes are already filled, am I forced to mark 0 for one of the few remaining empty boxes?Ī Yahtzee would score 0 for Small Straight, Large Straight, Full House, and 5 of the 6 upper number boxes. If your copy of the rules differs, use that, of course.) (At least, according to the rules linked below. Yes, with priority given to the upper box. Do I mark a normal scoring box, in addition to the ✔️?Ĭan I mark this Yahtzee as a 100 point bonus and fill in a slot for the upper corresponding number, 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind, or Chance?